
The Lion Diploma

The Lion Diploma is an exciting bespoke programme designed to enhance your child’s experience in their first two years in the Senior School. At Bancroft’s we believe that a more holistic approach to your child’s education will provide the skills and attributes that lead to happier and more fulfilling lives.

It encourages their personal development and embeds our school’s values from day one. It aims to foster life skills that go beyond the boundaries of their traditional academic subjects.

During their two years in the Thirds and Removes (years 7 and 8), pupils will produce a portfolio of evidence in the five key areas of the Lion Diploma. The Diploma is focused on each pupil’s individual journey of personal development. The transferable skills and sense-of-self that pupils acquire during the programme will stay with them as they move through school and beyond.


Our pupils’ well-being is our primary focus; we want to ensure that they lead a balanced school life. Their physical and mental well-being is crucial to their success at school and in later life. By helping our pupils to form healthy habits early on in life, we give them the best possible start for their teenage years.


At Bancroft’s we aim to foster a love of learning.  We want our pupils to learn more than just how to pass an exam; we want them to become independent thinkers and encourage their curiosity as they strive for excellence in all that they do.

In lessons, pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum of academic subjects that ensures they are given the experience they require in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, and aesthetic and creative education.

Pupils will be stretched and challenged in their academic subjects, but they will need to persevere and take chances in their learning. Taking risks and making mistakes are embraced, as they provide the opportunities for a deeper and richer understanding of the world around them.

Trips & Activities

Trips and activities provide environments for our pupils to start the process of becoming more independent. They allow for like-minded pupils to get together and start to develop meaningful friendships whilst also developing many skills. We know that the well-being of our pupils is greatly enhanced by their participation in the extensive co-curricular activities we provide.

The whole of Year 7 participates in a residential trip in the September that they join Bancroft’s. The aim of the trip is to help with the unification of each new cohort through a stimulating itinerary of team building and outdoor activities.

“All the Thirds, together with our tutors and the Junior House Staff, headed off for an amazing overnight trip to get closer to the others in the year and get to really know our tutor group.  This trip was a fantastic way to get to know each other, to try new things and have fun – we made loads of new friends.”

Jessica and Dhruv, Thirds


We want our pupils to discover for themselves what it means to be part of a community and the ways in which they can make positive contributions to it. Our pupils will have the chance to make a positive impact on society through a number of volunteering and service opportunities.

They will always be encouraged to show kindness to each other and to reflect on how their actions impact the lives of those around them.


Can a chimp drive a car? What will the future bring? Why is water so important? What would I do if I were the Prime Minister?

There are many big questions that don’t always have an obvious answer. The aim of the enquiry section is for pupils to develop the ability to think critically about a range of interesting issues and develop thinking skills that will enhance their learning across the academic curriculum.

In answering these big questions, pupils will work collaboratively in order to research, analyse, evaluate, reflect and communicate their ideas to others. Research has shown that the earlier students start to develop and practise these skills, the greater the impact on their learning.

Through their completion of the Lion Diploma, we hope to ensure that all pupils who join us embrace all the opportunities they are given here and develop the confidence and skills necessary for the next stage of their education.

Watch this video to find out more about the Lion Diploma:


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