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Sixth Form Life

We hope that anyone joining our Sixth Form will look for the opportunity to learn new skills and contribute to the school community, ensuring their time in Bancroft’s Sixth Form is well spent and of value to the rest of their lives. The aim for each student is to leave us fully prepared, not only for the continuation of their personal journey, but also as mature, confident, responsible, and well-grounded members of society ready to make a positive impact in the community and beyond.

Every Sixth Former is a member of a house led by a Housemaster or Housemistress who supports you throughout your time in the Sixth Form.  They are closely involved in helping students to make important decisions regarding further education and career choices.  Within each house, students are grouped into tutor groups of around 15 students led by House Tutors.  The small size of these groups enables the Tutor to offer day-to-day support to individuals.

Members of the Sixth Form are encouraged to become involved in some of the many and varied house and school activities.  From Easter all of the Lower Sixth, all students are invited to become monitors and take on responsibilities as senior members of the school. Some may also apply to become House Prefects, assisting a Tutor with one of the junior tutor groups.  In the L6 there is also the opportunity of running for one of the senior positions in the School Congress.

The Lower and Upper Sixth have a shared common room with a very popular café, and a Sixth Form Library for quiet study. Mrs Brough and Mrs Dean are based in the Sixth Form library and are on hand to provide guidance and advice on university applications and careers, innovation, and entrepreneurship.  Student committees look after the day-to-day management of the Sixth Form common room, under the guidance of the Head of Sixth Form.

Opportunities Outside the Curriculum

Participation in the wide range of societies, sports and activities beyond the classroom, is an essential part of being a Bancroftian.  These areas will enrich your Sixth Form experience immensely; they will help you to enjoy life and support your academic studies; and they will also help you to develop vital skills: in leadership and team-work; in organisation and responsibility; and in resilience and adaptability, all of which are highly valued in later life.

One of the key events in the school year is the House Performing Arts Festival, which occurs in the Autumn Term.  Each house produces its own play with students taking on responsibility for all aspects of the production, including writing the script in many cases.  The senior school production is staged in the Spring Term, and this offers considerable opportunities in all aspects of drama;  recent senior productions have included Chicago, Sweeeny Todd, Blue Stockings and Les Miserables.   The Performing Arts Centre supports excellence in drama both in and out of the curriculum – whether run by students or staff.

A great variety of musical ensembles meet to make music in many contexts, and are often led by Sixth Formers. The school orchestra rehearses weekly and prepare for a range of concerts.  A chamber choir – the Bancroft’s Singers – has an ambitious programme, performing at a variety of venues both in and out of school.   Instrumental teachers cover the whole musical range and private lessons can be arranged for Sixth Formers to fit in with their academic timetables.

Bancroft’s offers a number of adventurous, outdoor based activities, We have a large Combined Cadet Force (both Army and Air Force sections) and many pupils are involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, which sees a large number of students completing the Gold Award during their time here. Those new to the school are encouraged to join these groups, and build on any qualifications or experience they may have acquired elsewhere.

Students can  participate in a range of other activities as well, from academic based societies – such as the Physics or Modern Foreign Languages Societies, to setting up and running their own society for pupils in the lower school.

All Sixth Formers take part in games on Wednesday afternoons.  Those who are selected to represent Bancroft’s in a major sport will be required to train or compete in that sport during these sessions.

For other Sixth Formers there is a large range of activities available including aerobics, athletics, mountain-biking, badminton, climbing, fitness training, football, golf, lifesaving, rifle shooting, rounders, self-defence, squash, swimming, table tennis and trampolining.  Students are encouraged to make full use of our excellent facilities available including the playing fields, courts, the  25m heated indoor pool, fitness suite – and enjoy the benefits of being active and healthy.

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