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Visit Us

There are plenty of opportunities to visit Bancroft's throughout the year, giving you the chance to experience the buzz of Bancroft's firsthand.

From Open Mornings to private tours, you’ll find all the details below on how to book your visit and register your interest.

Please contact if you have any questions regarding these events or our admissions process.

Upcoming Open Events

7+ Open Morning
11+ Open Morning
Sixth Form Open Evening
Private Tours

From 240 clubs to outstanding sports facilities and exceptional exam results, there is always something new to discover at an Open Event.

Find out more below

Contact Us and Private Tours

If you have any questions regarding the admissions process, a tour on a working day or our Open Events please contact:

Prep School (entry at 7+)

020 8506 6774

Senior School (entry at 11+ and 16+):

020 8506 6761

Where Next

Your 7+ Admissions Journey

Your 11+ Admissions Journey

Your 16+ Admissions Journey