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We aim to provide our children with the best possible academic education, and to help them to be the best they can be, whilst also ensuring that they are happy and well-rounded individuals.

Our curriculum is three-dimensional.

Firstly, it provides the bright children who attend our school with an exceptionally high level of academic challenge. Our pupils are expected to master the expectations of the Primary National Curriculum whilst also encountering concepts that the majority of children would not meet until later on in their education. As a result, our children’s academic attainment is well above national expectations.

Secondly, our curriculum offers a broad range of experiences and opportunities for our pupils. As well as the full range of National Curriculum subjects, our pupils benefit from timetabled lessons in Philosophy, Outdoor Learning, Drama and Personal Development. Our timetabled curriculum is supplemented by a rich co-curricular programme, which includes clubs, music, performances, sport and competitions. As a result, our children have the opportunity to develop interests and enjoy success in many different areas of learning.

Finally, our curriculum promotes a deep level of engagement from our pupils. Through every subject, we promote the learning dispositions of curiosity, initiative, persistence, risk-taking, resilience, collaboration, critical thinking, excellence and reflectiveness. We believe this will enable our pupils to develop as effective learners, as well as nurturing key skills that will help them throughout their lives. We expect our pupils to engage genuinely and meaningfully with their own learning: to reflect on their own work and to evaluate their own progress. As a result, our children develop into well-rounded individuals and self-sufficient learners.

‘Pupils of all ages are enthusiastic and determined learners, willingly prepared to take risks. They enjoy the different styles of teaching they experience and opportunities to rise to challenges when these are offered. ’

Independent Schools Inspectorate, March 2023



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